Get Single Cell Organelle Insights at Scale

A fully automated pipeline for library-scale analysis of mitochondria dynamics

MitoDynamics features multiple interoperating models that utilize machine-learning for identification, classification, and tracking of individual mitochondria at single cell resolution.


Free Consultation

Contact us online to get more information about how we can help.


Multiplatform Compatibility

All our models have been validated on multiple imaging platforms.


Cross Compatible Pipelines

Our processing and analysis pipelines are designed to work alone or interoperably.


Handles up to 6D images

All pipelines are capable of handling timeseries, multichannel, 3D microscopy images.


Figure ready CSV export

Data can be extracted readily as CSV files for plotting in R, GraphPad, Excel


Fiji/ImageJ Compatible

Annotated output images can be viewed in Fiji or ImageJ for validation.

Yeast Cell Segmentation & Classification

Rapid automated identification, classification, and cartography of yeast cells…

Organelle Cellular Localization

Identifies organelle regional localization and migration within the yeast cell…

Mitochondrial Segmentation

Fast ML driven 3D volumetric segmentation of fluorescently labeled mitochondria…

Mitochondria Network Analysis

Runs common network analysis algorithms and structure-to-structure analysis on…

Mitochondria Dynamics Analysis

Analyze mitochondrial network dynamics over time (velocity, MSD) and structural…

Mitochondrial Content Analysis

Quantification of mitochondrial content (i.e. membrane potential dyes,…